Kindergarten Math

In case you haven't heard, math instruction has changed a lot since you were in school.  The focus is on understanding concepts, not just being able to count, recognize numbers, and solve operations.  It may seem like we are going too slowly, but we are taking the time to really go deep into introducing numbers so that your child will understand more challenging concepts in upper grades. 

We have introduced the numbers 0-2. 

0 is defined as follows:

  • it is when there is nothing left
  • it is when you don't have any of something
  • it is when you have 1 less than 1

1 is defined as follows:

  • it is one of something
  • it is 1 more than 0
  • it is 1 less than 2

 2 is defined as follows:

  • it is two of something
  • it is 1 more than 0
  • it is 1 less than 3

We will also look at how these numbers relate to the number five.  One is four less than five.  Two is three less than five.  One and four more is five.  two and three more is five.  This will get them ready to understand adding and subtracting and to know their basic math facts without just memorizing the number patterns.